How to Participate

Interventional Oncology (IO) relies on dedicated interventional oncologists to help spread awareness of the growing field. From word-of-mouth messaging to attending webinars, here’s how you can participate in IO Awareness Week.

SPREAD the Word

Help spread the word and spark conversations in your community! Don't know where to begin? Download our comprehensive marketing toolkit to find a wide range of promotional resources, templates, and graphics that are sure to generate some buzz. Happy sharing!

Download Toolkit

SHARE Your #IOImpact Story

Unveil your "tell-all" tale! Take to social media to share what made you join the IO field, how IO has helped you or a loved one through cancer, or the ways you and your program are celebrating throughout the week. Don't forget to use the #IOImpact!

INCORPORATE IO Awareness Into Your Daily Messages

Add the below language and image to your email signature to increase visibility of IO Awareness Week. Don’t forget to link the image to the IO Awareness website.

IO Awareness Week 2024 takes place 21-25 October. Get involved to spread awareness of the field of interventional oncology!